Our Board
Our Board
Nellie L McClung Educational Society - NLMES
All parents, guardians and care-givers of students attending Nellie McClung can become members of the Nellie L McClung Educational Society - NLMES. The Society was the originator of the program concept and continues to function for the benefit of the Nellie McClung Girls' Junior High Program.
We believe a collaborative partnership among students, staff, parents, community, business and learning institutions will maximize student learning. Your input is welcomed and we encourage you to attend NLMES meetings whenever possible. We always need parents to volunteer for various school activities, particularly for CEEDS activities, school trips, casino fundraisers and special events. Even a few hours will make a difference!
Heather Watson, President
Heather O’Hearn, Vice President
Judy Wong, Secretary
David Boroditsky, Treasurer
Laura Verbeek, Casino Co-ordinator
Amy Dambrowitz, Uniform Co-ordinator
Here are the bylaws of the NLMES.