What To Expect
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Expect to be amazed...
You can expect:
- to feel welcomed into a second family who cares about you as an individual
- to feel free from criticism and judgement
- to be challenged academically but supported along the way
- to become a confident girl who knows how to set goals for herself and accomplish them
"The top kid in every class is a girl."
"You can count on each other, you always have someone to lean on."
"You can actually talk to the teachers about anything."
"You are free to be yourself, whoever that may be!"
"I have never understood acting dumb to attract boys. What's hot about stupid?"
"It's the best junior high experience!"
"I don’t have to change me to be liked."
"You're friends with girls in all three grades."
"When someone says something, there is usually another girl thinking the exact same thing, giving her the sense that she’s part of the group."