A Uniform—Really?
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It Makes Us One and Sets Us Apart!
There's a certain pride that comes with wearing the uniform. When we wear our kilts we know that we are part of a strong community.
Here's what Nellies say about the uniform:
- The uniform means you see your friends, not what they're wearing.
- Everyone can see that I go to Nellie McClung. I like that.
- I am never judged or teased for what I am wearing.
- There are a surprising number of choices within the uniform it is fun to see how many combinations I can come up with.
- The uniform becomes so normal that when Free Dress Day rolls around, you stand paralyzed in front of your closet for half an hour.
- It's easy to spot your friends across the field.
- You get to be super skilled at putting on a pair of tights.
- Uniforms mean business, all I need is a briefcase!
- I have a new respect for people who have to tie a tie every day.
- I can wake up late, pull on my uniform and feel just as together as I would have with full hair and makeup. The value is on us, not what we look like.
- Nellies know how to dress well and we take pride in our appearance.