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The Nellie McClung Girls Junior High Program is an innovative, Edmonton single-gender educational program where young women strengthen their abilities and prepare for a successful future.


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Trailblazers – Women in Business

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What do these things have in commonbuilding a better battery, manufacturing cloth masks, and baking cookies?  Women that are inspired & driven and blazing a trail in the business world.

On Mar 4th, 2021, four gr. 9 Nellie students learned what it means to have an innovative spirit, and commitment to become an entrepreneur. They learned the importance of making a difference in the community and consequently inspiring and motivating young women.   The Edmonton Chamber of Commerce (ECC) generously invited Nellie students to attend their virtual Inspiring Women Leaders (presented by CPA Alberta) event.

The 2020 ECC Inspiring Women Leaders event was an in person luncheon, & Nellie students were invited to assist & participate.  The girls helped with set up & greeted attendees as they arrived.  It was beneficial for the Nellies to be involved with the preparation for a luncheon, to take part in public engagement, & to see business community involvement.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 event was a virtual speaking event, however it was still very impactful for all those participating. The girls discovered that these successful business women had to work hard to achieve their goals. And the efforts paid off in so many ways for making the community a better place, by bringing about awareness of:  greener energy; sustainable manufacturing; & small local producers .  Connie Stacey, founder & President of Growing Greener Innovations patented a rechargeable battery generator; Claire Theaker- Brown, founder & Director of Unbelts created socially sustainable cloth masks & belts; and Kathy Leskow, founder of Confetti Sweets expanded her cookie business from her kitchen to retail, & created a collective to sell curated local food.

The Nellies thought it was valuable: to hear different stories; & learn about the challenges & how motivation, passion & taking charge helped with achieving success.  These girls also realized that being scared is normal and it shows you care, & overcoming fear makes you a better person.   It was impressed upon them “to go for it, & overcome the obstacles” & “don’t let the fear of failure hold you back”.

For these young Nellie students, the entrepreneurial spirit embodies – “taking action & making the changes”; “don’t expect change to happen or wait for others to do it”; and always look to improve to be the best. 

⮚      Persevere when “you’re told you can’t”

⮚      Persist “no matter how far out of reach it is”

⮚      Keep at it  if “others tell you that you can’t have it or this it’s not possible because of who you are”

An innovative spirit encourages & empowers everyone along the way & these girls believe that “passion will lead to success”, & “you’ll never know success if you don’t try”.  Excellent advice!