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10227 118 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T5K 2V4


The Nellie McClung Girls Junior High Program is an innovative, Edmonton single-gender educational program where young women strengthen their abilities and prepare for a successful future.

NLM Alumni Cherish It Button - Aug 2020.jpg

Alumni Cherish It

Maya - 2020 Graduate

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The Nellie McClung program provided me with some of the best opportunities of my life. The growth I experienced during my three years was filled with some of the most valuable lessons and most precious memories.

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Mads - 2019 Graduate

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Nellie has vibrant community, and I felt welcomed immediately. Over the course of my 3 years attending, I made a group of very close friends, with whom I still chat with almost daily. Going to different high schools

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2017 -  Alumni

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I learned a lot about being myself. I came out of Grade 6 with a "keep to myself" attitude, and being a Nellie really taught me to find read more the other parts of myself besides how I dressed or did my hair and makeup. Wearing a uniform taught me to be responsible and disciplined, while also saving me tons of money on jeans! But I think the best thing I hope all girls can take away from Nellie is the chance to learn about who you are inside, rather than your outside.

2013 - Alumni

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Though I had many takeaways from the Nellie McClung program, I specifically remember learning about the importance of community and sisterhood through my classmates as well as faculty. My experience motivated me to pursue a Bachelor of Education at the University of Alberta.

Claire - 2013 Alumni

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I learned a lot at Nellie, things that can only be learned in an all-girls environment.  I learned to make friends for life, I learned important studying techniques because of the academic focus of the school but most importantly I left feeling like I was prepared to face anything.

Aleysha - 2013 Alumni

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I learned so much at Nellie that I wouldn't be able to tell it all.  The most important thing was how to enjoy learning and have fun.

2010 - Alumni

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Nellie McClung taught me to be myself. As an individual I offer unique perspectives to my community. And when you feel like you are heard

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2010 - Alumni

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How to stand up for myself. How to be a woman of power and use my voice for the greater good.

2009 - Alumni

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Nellie McClung was a wonderful environment to spend my junior high years in. Built on the foundation of social activist Nellie McClung herself, the focus on women empowerment read more was something that I have taken with me in all of my experiences. I believe this has led to the great things I have achieved and the great things I will achieve in the future. In a world where woman have to fight extra hard to get noticed and spend so much of our energy breaking glass ceilings, I really believe that Nellie McClung school gave me that fearless attitude to tackle these challenged head on.

2007 - Alumni

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Learned about the power that comes in numbers and that together we can stand up for what we believe.

Life is much easier with a uniform.

If you're going to have an issue and complain about it; you better have at least one way to fix the issue.

2006 - Alumni

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Nellie taught me so much, but the one thing that stands out is Nellie taught me about friendship and being yourself, and never trying to be something you’re not!! You’re beautiful just the way you are!

Jasmine - 2005 Alumni

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Nellie was good for me it brought me out of my shell and helped me become the best I could be and who I am today

1999 - Alumni

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I learned so many valuable lessons at Nellie, both academically and socially. I think my biggest take away though was learning independence, how to self-start, and being responsible for my actions.